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Date: May 31st 1919
Mrs. Mackay
Assistant Commissioner

Mrs. Colin Mackay,


King’s Co., N.B.

My dear Mrs. Mackay:-

Thank you for your letter of the 14th of May, advising us of your safe arrival in St. John, having completed a little more than eight months’ service, rom July, 1918, to April 5th, 1919, at the Reading War Hospital, Berkshire, and stating that the amount of your incidental travelling expenses is $4.50, for which amount I am enclosing cheque herewith.

It is my pleasure to thank you, on behalf of the Commissioner and the Members of the Brigade Overseas, within the Dominion of Canada, for the service you have rendered to the Joint War Committee and to instruct you to Lady District Superintendent of the New Brunswick District, St. John Ambulance Brigade Overseas, who, I am sure, will be glad to welcome you to the work of the Brigade in that Province. I feel sure that you will always prove a worthy member of our beloved Organization.

I note that you returned to Canada as a Military dependent, and as Mr Morgan told you, this fact has saved the Brigade a considerable amount of money.

Wishing you every success in life,

Yours sincerely,

Assistant Commissioner

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