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Date: September 30th 1916



Sept 30/16

Dear Ethel. –

Recieved your weekly letter a short time ago, and am looking for another soon now.

I got five letters last week, that is not so bad is it.

Well this is Sat. and I am going to finish this letter. I just got started to write and we were called out to drill. They are working us pretty hard just now. From 7.30 A.M. to 11.45, and from 1.15 P.M. to 4.30 P.M. so you see we feell like resting as much as possible.

The weather here has been very bad lately. Raining almost every day, and we are still in tents so it is not very pleasant. We expect to move into different quarters very soon. Maybe to Bramshott. We will have huts anyway. There has not been any talk of going to France yet, but of course we would not know anything about it anyway.

Just recieved a letter from you which was written Aug 13th/16. The address is wrong. You addressed it The 110th S. Batt. C.M.R. That is quite wrong my dear. It is my fault though. The way I told you is this 11th O/S. Batt. C.M.R. I would think that quite a joke only it took your letter just ieght weeks to reach here, and I have one which you wrote on the 29 of aug.   Recieved it two weeks ago.

Your letters are all reaching me though, I believe, and I hope you will keep on with the good work. If you could see me stepping around to the Corporal when he calls the mail you would have some idea of how welcome a letter is. I got a letter from Birdie Thompson the other day. It was very good of her to write, and I will answer it right away

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