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Date: January 31st 1951
Edward McKenzie

Jan 31/51

Dear Mom:

Received your letter of the 22nd just this afternoon it only took nine days, pretty fast. My parcels have been coming thru good. I got the last one with candy, and cigs. You don't have to send cigs. that's one thing we can get lots of. I went to the dentist this morning and had a small cavity filled and then I took the rest of the day off. To heck with this climbing mountains like a bunch of goats all the time. I'm swinging the lead as much as possible. The only thing is there's not much chance to swing it. It's a lovely lazy day to-day nice and warm in the afternoons and cool at night.

Sorry I haven't sent anything home I should have sent something from Puson, there's nothing where we are at now. I'll sent some snaps as soon as possible.

I hope you don't believe all the clippings that are in the paper about us some are purely B. S. and then some. All one company has done so far is shoot a few gook farmers.

I think I'll go to sleep now we were on guard last night and I never got much sleep

There's not much to write about.

I'm still healthy and going strong. Dad may as well wear all my clothes they will never fit me now. I haven't got that pop belly any more, I left that up in the hills somewhere.

So Mae is having another addition, I guess you will never be finished raising a family at that rate. You better give her the Beverley and move into her home.


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Edward McKenzie Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Korean War Edward McKenzie Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Korean War