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Date: February 7th 1918

Hut 46.C.

Thursday 7-2-18

My dear mother,

Just a line to say how pleased I am that "Mig" has won the scholarship. It will make a difference to School fees and I am sure Dad will welcome any relief of that kind. I should hardly think that he has a Christ's Hospital one although I expect you will hardly let him go if he gets one.

I called and saw Stanton on Monday; he is jogging along the same as usual. Yesterday I went to my old French teacher's house to tea and had quite a good time. I will tell you all about it on Saturday and Sunday when I hope to be home. I have not been able to manage a week end pass this week but I am putting in for a late pass for Sunday. Enclosed is the card I received from Mr. Borden and I have written him to say that he is expected.

Unless you have any other arrangements in view I should like to call and see some of the Palmers Green folk on Saturday and of course you will come too.

I wonder who Uncle John brought to see you? Will you please get me a pot of honeysugar? It will come in very handy down here.

I don't think I shall have time to call on Pearce's this week to find out about my tunic. I went to Wimbledon on Monday but was unable to get a belt or the putters. I shall possibly have to go to Gamages for them

It is now dinner time so I will say goodbye

With love and xxx from your affectionate son,

