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Date: February 12th 1917
Fred Gullen - (brother)
Roy Gullen

Feb 12/17

Dear Fred

Just a line for this mile stone day in life it is getting to be a large number Feb 14/17 Have been in dressing station for two days with a carbuncle it is as large as the one I had on my side a few years ago it is on the back of the neck it is open and running very strong. may get a few days rest I have a fountain pen wich I found in our last dug out this station is a large house use to be a fritzes it is nearly as big a Bramford H was I get some time to read for the first can go and get my mail during the afternoon I think I will be out [?] in again on the next trip this trip is the one that’s it may wire you if anything can be done or needs to be this should have ended by to day or tomorrow by that womens fortune telling. I have to have a lower plat made hope I can get them here before I go in will be here for four days I think, those parcels make a good change in our eats and am very much oblidged for them. Mary’s last one has not arrived yet hope it does not get sunk but they have all come unless you folks put up two of eatables, well will close now the M.O has just looked at my pet will get it dressed soon now

Your brother

[added at top of first page, date/author unknown: “17”; “Recd Mar 9/17”]


[Editor’s note: Dot code used by Gullen to secretly indicate his location. Some of the dots used as code markers are easily identified, others are more difficult to interpret. Characters that appear to have been clearly marked in the letter with dots underneath them have been marked in the transcription with an underline. Written together they spell “hnrsin” (possibly a misspelled reference to Hersin-Coupigny?).]

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