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Date: November 8th 1916
Mary Gullen - (wife)
Roy Gullen

Nov 8/16

Dear Mary

How are you getting smart again I hope have been in France 4 weeks moving often was on a party near front yesterday will be in front to morrow I got a letter from Fred last night have not had any of yours here yet hope I get one to night saw a lot of ruins on the march yesterday saw a lot of our big guns they made us look they fired just as we got near them I am first batt d co bef thirteen platoon france write on envelope next time same number, I am sleepling well glad you were as well as Fred says you were hope you have had as ease as could possably be, I have had to look after my feet well marching longe trips, will be glad when I get the letter which tells the big doings bye bye dearest and dearies lots of love and kisses



[Editor’s note: Dot code used by Gullen to secretly indicate his location. Some of the dots used as code markers are difficult to interpret. Characters that appear to have been intentionally marked in the letter with dots underneath them have been indicated in the transcription with an underline. Written together (with space inserted) they spell out “lenns lens”(presumably indicating Lens, France).]

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