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Date: November 16th 1941

No. 89

Capt. G.S. Andrews, R.C.E.

Survey Directorate

H.Q. Cdn Corps.

Canadian Army O/S

England, 16 Nov. 41.

Dear Jean:

No letters during the week, except one from Uncle Ashton - what a grand old man he is - he was very pleased to have my circular letter - and it should have reached you by this time. However the 2lb tin of Dixie arrived safe & sound - just right, it has been marvelous that although my supply of plug tobacco has got down to the last plug more than once, a new lot has always arrived in time! What a wife I have - I wouldn't sell her now for twice the price! Am pretty mad at the Nazi's for sinking that other parcel - with the shirts and things. It would be that one. I've got 300 cigs from the Forest Branch, and a Newsletter - so it wasn't a bad week for mail.

I came back from the hospital on Thursday evening - and we are now in the throes of moving our office to a new place - have everything packed up and some of it gone already - we move first thing tomorrow am. Tonight, Vic Bowers, Bert Hammond and I are invited up to Morris' for a farewell dinner as our new location will be too far away to walk up for the odd evening - They want me to come up for a week-end leave as soon as I get settled down and can spare the time - It would be nice too - because I could put on some old civie clothes and get some good walks in - I should be heading up there soon - Have just come in from an afternoon with Haywards at Dorking - They are certainly swell people - and they also want me to come to them for a week-end too - so even if I am not so fortunate in making nice friends in our new area, there will be something not too far away for a short visit and back in the routine during the winter.

Am enclosing a snap - which one of the officers here took with his small camera - it isn't too good - but all photos of me seem a bit queer - so I send it along. I look a bit constipated - (perhaps I was!) I had thought of getting a portrait taken again - just one for you - but with all the interruptions & other things like hospital trips etc - I haven't had time to do anything. Perhaps in the Spring when I'm on a leave I will get one done for you.

Sometime, after you get over Xmas and New Years interruptions etc, I wish you would draw up just a small financial memo for me showing me how we stand for assets and liabilities - how much we owe on insurance loan, house, taxes, and payments on furniture and house fixtures - Nothing complicated - Also another point - have you had the Doctor check you over lately - and the dentist - I would like to know that you are not neglecting your own health - which is the most important thing of all.

Am looking forward to your next letter and to hear all about Gertrude's visit. I feel sure that you will not try to fuss with my relatives when they come - treat them like your own - which they are of course - let them entertain themselves - and attend to themselves. Well dear I must be off to Morris and will add a note when I come in tonight -
Well its now 11:30pm, and we had a really good time - a lovely dinner - and the boys in good form - Basso came in after dinner - so it was quite a party - They had a letter from you which they are very pleased about. they think you are just right and feel that you really belong to them! It would be great if you could meet them - and Mary. We pull out bright and early tomorrow - so I guess I had better get some shut-eye.

All my love dear -


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