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Date: September 7th 1917
Mother & All

B Com. 78 Batt.n

Sept 7 1917

Dear Mother & All

Just recieved your letter to-day & also a parcel from the I.O.D.E. containing sox, & I wish you would thank them for me as I don't know who to write to.

You sure must be having some time with the crowd you have at home. I have met Lawrence McNicol twice of late & he seems to be getting on o.k. A fellow, whose name is Holston saw Cliff Hallett, who is in the P.P.C.L.I's & he says he was looking the same as usual. I tried to find Cliff at his billet but nobody seemed to know him.

We are out of the line for a short term to get cleaned up & rested.

The weather is keeping fair this last few days. I am writing to the two addresses you gave me as soon as possible.

Hoping this finds all in the best of health.

Your Loving Son


P.S. If you having time, send a few eats as I have a big gap & can't get it filled.


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