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Date: May 19th 1944
Mother & Sister

May 19/44

My Dearest Mother & Sister

Hello Mom & Ruth how are you. At present I'm in the pink of condition and raring to do something but the only trouble is there is nothing to do.

I think I was telling you about London a few letters ago, but as I don't know where I left off I will have to cancel the project for a while.

Well Mom I started this letter yesterday but didn't get a chance to finish it or I had to go on night flying. But as we fly in the day time to day we don't have to fly to night. As usual I want something and this time it is a roller stay you know the wire one I used to lay on the window sill. Will you send about 5 of them cause they break pretty easy. Here is a rough drawing of one [drawing].

My mail has been coming through properly and most of them are from home which is just the way I like it, so keep up the good works. Gene and I have been having poor luck in regards to seeing one another. I started out to see him and there wasn't a train for a couple of days so I went down to London instead. But we are going to get leave again and I'm going to see him if I have to walk.

You were asking if I was ready for ops. yet well the answer is no and I won't be ready for a couple of months yet.

Virg Fernquist is over here, I got a letter from him today and he is not so very far from me. He has John Dixie as his pilot which I call a stoke of luck.

Can't think of much more to say so I will have to start signing off now. So until next time I remain with all my Love


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