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Date: April 11th 1944

New Westminster B.C.
April 11, 1944

Dear Son

Well it is about time for me to drop you a few lines. We have been very busy Spring cleaning that I am afraid that you have been rather neglected. But then you know that you are always in my heart.

Ruth & I both went to church last Sunday. She to St. Pauls & me to United. we had quite a crowd here on Sunday the Mills's & Aunt Peg and a boy from Toronto he is out here going to the air force school, I think he is in the ground crew. he has six weeks more to put in here & than he goes back to Hamilton. His name is Jack Ardis.

I suppose Ruth told youa bout Bill Myring getting Wilkinson's job in the [?] pretty lucky don't you think? But then Bill is a pretty nice boy & I guess he deserves it. Wilkinson has bought a dude ranch someplace in the Caraboo.

Ruth had a letter from Gene today & think by the way he writes he must be hitting the high spots to bad I think he should be a little more moderate in his escapading, he might regret it some day, if he doesn't tame down.

Thing are going on just about the same around here nothing new & I haven't seen any of the boys for quite a long time dont know where they keep themselves Have you hear anything from that girl that was down to see you off? I think her name is Marge. Aunt Bev hasen't had the operation on her eye yet I think she has to see the doctor sometime this month.

I hope you have received some of the parcels by this time. I can't seem to understand why, because we have wrapped them very carefully, someone was telling me just to send a small one at a time, so think I will try that will be sending your slippers tomorrow hope they will reach you safely.

Must away to bed now so be a good boy and think of home every day until next time with all my love Mom.

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