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Date: June 1918

Wednesday June 19, 1918

Left Windermere at 9 A.M. Got to London at 6 P.M. Registered at Regent Palace Hotel.

Wednesday June 19, 1918

Visited the bank in the A.M. and caught the train for Shornshiffe at 11 A.M. arriving there about 3.30. Ford met me at station and we drove to the Lab. Found several Mary + from Father awaiting me.

Registered at the new Norfolk Hotel at Sandgate.

Friday June 21, 1918

Drove out to [?] Canadians Hospital at Beachborough to see Jim Christie.

Saturday June 22, 1918

Left for London at 3.48 P.M. Arrive at 6. Registered at Charring X Station.

Sunday June 22, 1918

Left Waterloo station at 8.25 AM for Witley. Reported to the adjutant and was attached to "A" Battery.

Monday June 24, 1918

Rain during AM, but cleared up towards the evening.

Original Scans

Original Scans
