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Date: February 14th 1917

Kingston Feb 14th 1917

Dear Father

Your letter received yesterday and also one from mother about a week ago Have very little news or would have written sooner. I received the Mercury's O.K. and also Uncle Jims letter which I return herewith.

They have not told us the ones who are going home yet, but I know I am safe so far. About 24 will be leaving this week one of the Captains told us.

We had another written exam this morning on Military Law and I think I got along alright. Also had a fuse-setting Exam last Saturday and I got through alright. Have had 6 exams so far and there is still a balance of about 12. It will likely be about the 10th or 15th March before we get through. The cold weather has held things back. We were to have had a mounted parade for my battery and it was called off 3 times. It is on again for tomorrow morning and as the weather is milder we will likely have it. Last week we had riding drill without saddles but they are again using saddles this week. It is pretty hard to stick on some times. The horses are mostly well trained but sometimes are quite frisky and one will start them all jumping in the riding school.

I was off duty this afternoon and reported to Doctor as I had a bad cold and headache. Am feeling better tonight and as my temperature was normal I guess it is nothing serious. Everybody has a cold here and while we have a radiator in my room it is not enough sometimes. We have also a grate but coal is so scarce here at present we cannot get any to burn in it. The situation is pretty serious here but if no mean weather comes soon it will be alright. It has been 15 below some mornings lately at 6 A.M. and with a wind blowing sometimes it has been pretty cold.

The Sergt. discharged from 64th I think is Jackson. He had his leg broke last August and as it wasn't properly set he is a cripple and unfit for service. Had a letter from Office Sergt. of 64th last week asking us to make out our wills so I put your name in. It does not mean that we are going away as they always have them made out as soon as possible. They were advised to have a draft of 50 ready for Feb 15th but there is talk now that they won't go until March. About 300 are going from 5 batteries they have in Kingston.

Have not been to Fort Henry as I hear it is hard to get in [?] a pass. They have about 300 German interned there. They have been putting out extra guards around the city here lately.

Will try and call on Green first chance. See they have a telephone. Was skating last Saturday afternoon for the first time also to a picture show at night for the first time.

All at present.

Love to all
