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Date: September 1916
Kiddo (wife)

H. Cuncliffe 163047
Band 75th Brigade
c/o Army P.O. 1916

Dear Kiddo

I write these few lines in a hurry as we are preparing to move to france, so I guess my next letter to you will bear a french postmark, and I don't think they will allow us to write more than one letter a week, and it is just probable that you will have to wait quite a while for a letter after you have received this one, but you can write just the same, as often as possible, and I would just like to tell you that up to now I have not received that photograph, which I would have liked to have had, before we went to the front. I received you letter all right and thank you for the little bookmark, and the pansy, I was sorry to hear about the children being sick, tell them daddy would like to be with them , if it was only for a short time, but never mind we will have a good time when I come home again, but don't forget to mark all the letters you send c/o Army P.O. don't put Bramshott on. I am sending you some of the pictures I got in London of the places I visited, I suppose it will be a long time before I see London again, it was to bad we did not get to see George before we went. how is Edith getting along, tell Aunt Ellen she need not worry about us as we shall be with the band most of the time, probably playing them to and from the trenches and giving concerts for all the men, anyway I shall watch myself all I can. I wont try to stop any shells if I can if I can help it, well I guess I shall have to close my letter now, as we have to get on parade with full packs, so ta-ta from your Loving Darling Husband


divide these
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for Mary
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for baby

xxxx XXXX xxxx
xx for yourself xx

Love to all

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