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Date: May 3rd 1918
William McLellan

May 3rd

Dear Folks:

We got a pretty good sized Canadian mail tonight and I've just finished with it for the "once over" so I'll scrawl a few lines before I roll in.

We're back of the line for a wonder enjoying a change of climate and general environment and believe me it isn't hard to take. We have had over two months steady work and altho it could have been far worse - still a little rest doesn't come half bad. I didn't really expect it either for altho we always get it once in a while, -- I expected we would stay in the line for things are happeneing these days and even if I do say it myself - the Canadian troops are considered among the best anywhere - but enough for hotair.

We're in a little hamlet about the size of a minute but still its one of the prettiest places in France. The change from the line is almost too much for me. You see we never know where we are going when we leave, these days, and altho rumors are always floating around - they are always imagimative and nobody ever believes them. Well by means of some hard marching and a little bus ride we jumped from the line back to hear inside of six hours and altho it isn't so very far in actual kilometers its some distance in any other respect.

It was just getting daylight when we got there and in spite of the fact that we had had very little sleep or rest for days - and that about four feet of lean dry straw was already in the billet - almost everybody strolled around to size up the town. The kitchens had only reached the hamlet a few hours before us, so no breakfast would be ready for quite awhile and as a result we were all looking for "an egg and chip joint". This is when the guy that talks French is popular and if anybody does find one then the whole Bn make a charge. It wouldn't say much for the Scout Section if they didn't find one where there was one to find and as usual we did the deed. It was only 4.45 AM but the French people didn't object to "shaking a leg" and serving the eggs and chips. After that we got our packs from the Quarter Stores and had a general clean up - and we sure needed it. With about a weeks beard and a half a ton of fine old french chalky mud on our clothes, -- we were an inspiring sight. Nobody had washed for several days and everybody had done more or less sweating on the march. As a result we looked like a bunch of zebras. It took us till noon to make any conceivable improvement and then everybody crawled in the straw and slept for twenty-four hours. At least it was noon the next day when I "came to" and I noticed I wasn't by any means the last. There's a little creek running thru' the town and this morning a bunch of went down and jumped in. It was a little chilly but I don't think I ever enjoyed a swim more.

I tho't I had more than one card to send this time but I guess I haven't. Have I lost one? This one just came tonight so I'm having a banquet on Pelichr[?] and Fati[?]a's while I'm scrawling this.

Had a letter from Peener last night. He is still in Bramshott but expected to come over here again soon. Haven't heard any news of Mac lately - Had a note from Chuck today and he said Jack Clark has been decorated with he M.C. - What do you know about that? Absolutely the last guy I'd ever expect to do the hero act. He is machine gun officer in the En now, Chuck said, but got his M.C. on a raid. I'd like to find out how he got it - but anyway he's got my congrats.

I saw Jack McClung the other day. He's looking O.K. and has a sort of semi-bombproof in the Pats.

Well enough for now. I'll write again before long.

Love to Everybody Bill
