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Date: January 8th 1917
Rev. Irwin
Walter Thomas "Tommy"


C/o Robus. Bros.
Printers & Stationers
High Street
Dunmow Essex

Dear Mr Irwin

Many thanks indeed for letter received a couple of days ago.  You will notice I have left Epsom, so please address letters to the above address.

At present I am at St. Leonards, I have met Major Wolfram & Capt Thomson, also Segt Rettreck & several other Norwood & vicinity boys.

Capt Thomson said he had had a line from you a few days back.

Well now with regard to Karl enlisting, if he is fairly robust, thinks he can carry on alright, why enlist at once by all means, age is nothing providing one has the physical wants, anyway you should be proud of such a boy who is so patriotic & wishes to serve the Empire.

So glad you met Capt O’Flyn, he was a real good officer with us & used the boys first class.

Did you notice one of my bombers (Lou Clarke of Winnipeg.) gained the V.C. & several have D.C.Ms. & military medals, so far I have not had the luck, so would like another turn. still I have the satisfaction of knowing I did what I could & one cannot do more.

Sorry to say I received no magazines yet, guess they must have got lost, still it was good of you to get them many thanks indeed.

The articles about the Scouts are first class. encore!

Shall try for leave now & hope to make good.  Will say au revoir with all good wishes to all from sincerely yours

Walter T. Robus

Original Scans

Original Scans

Robus.Walter.Suicide Club.Iron Second Robus.Walter.Suicide Club.Iron Second