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Date: July 1918

July 1

Went on a truck to the Corps sports at Tinques 20 kilos away, back in evening, very large crowd there, saw Robert Borden, Wm. Rowelle and Gen. Foch, 1st Div. Carried off most prizes, march off tomorrow for a town about 8 kilos from Tinques

July 2

Marched to Averdoingt, twas a hard march in the hot sun, had neuralgia very bad in afternoon in my ear and face so had my ear syringed

July 3

Easy parades today, was paid today but lost it all and that I had with it or before being paid, about 115 francs, our Bat'n won against 1st Bat'n - 2 to 1

July 4

Doing IA etc. on guns in the morning, had to write to London for a couple of pounds because I can't stand being broke

July 5

Had another exam today on map reading, rested up the remainder of the day, fine weather

July 6

Marched over the country today that we have to have manouvers on next week, wrote a letter or two in afternoon, received a letter from Wales saying that Goodman Jones had been hurt in a fall from his flying machine, Bat'n team won ball game against field ambulance team - 2 to 1

July 7

Church parade in morning, Battn. team won against 20 MG Battn. team, saw Russel, Cline, Lieut. MacKenzie and others of old Tiger Battalion

July 8

Routine work today, wrote a letter home, heard we go up the line soon

July 9

Parades as usual, small route march in the morning, heard we go up the line soon

July 10

Firing MG on ranges in morning, marched down to Tinques for bath in afternoon, went to Liencourt in evening to watch ball game with 2nd MG Btn., we won, met Reub Morden there, received parcel from Brownie

July 11

Coy. inspection in morning, lecture in afternoon by MO on first aid, raining in afternoon, move tomorrow towards the line

July 12

Marched to Etrun today, raining hard, warned to go up the line tomorrow, Germans dropped bomb on the camp but luckily no one was hit

July 13

Got guns ready for the line tonight, marched into line from Etrun about 15 kilos arrived at dark, relieved Imperials in reserve position near railway embankment near the Scarpe, in covered position and fire through loophole

July 14

Raining a little today, built aircraft position today, rations fair, quiet front compared to last time we were up here, received a letter from Emily

July 15

Fine day, had a little dispute with Frost over the guard shirts, received five letters from Canada today

July 16

Firing at German planes today with MG but never hit them, Germans make big drive down south but no one knows anything because we haven't seen a paper, went for team rations tonight

July 17

Very hot today, German planes over again today, wrote a couple of letters, rations pretty good, got a pair of white socks given to me

July 18

Cleaned gun in afternoon, firing at German planes today, expect Germans to attack in the morning but it didn't come off, received a letter from Uncle Dick saying Ethel is married, Howell went out of the line with influenza

July 19

Emily's birthday - 23 years old, warm weather, French have won a big battle and Allies have stopped the drive down south, we likely move out tomorrow for same reason, likely to go over the top

July 20

Shells fell close to position in morning, relieved tonight by 4th Division MG, one of them stole Sgt. Cook's revolver, marched out to Etrun in record time

July 21

Received registered letter from London with money I asked for, Church parade this morning, French and Americans won big victory down south, saw John Sparham today

July 22

Bath and pay today, saw John Sparham again tonight, 16 Btn. concer party gave concert tonight

July 23

Through gas chambers today, rained all day, going in the line tomorrow, was told today I was to go to Paris soon on a special leave

July 24

Getting guns, etc. ready for the line in the morning, left Y huts and marched up to line right of Telegraph Hill, distance 22 kilos, crew very tired by we got to gun position, relieved 3rd MG Btn., night firing

July 25

Sleep during today, cleaned gun during morning, Gen. MacDonald arrived in morning inspecting defences, good rations

July 26

Poured rain all night, was sick this afternoon and all night with trench fever, it comes on suddenly, burning fever, headaches and rheumatism through today

July 27

Raining all day, feel a little better today but still very sick, trenches have a lot of water in them

July 28

Went after rations tonight, packed some ammunition away, night firing tonight, 16th Btn. pulled off raid and lost quite a few men from own barrage which started behind them, took 7 prisoners, #8 crew digging another gun position

July 29

Sleep in morning and cleaned up in afternoon, wrote a letter, night firing tonight on the sunken road in front of us, wrote about 2B and said it was all wrong which is right

July 30

Down to headquarters in afternoon for camouflage, night firing tonight, Germans were ready for our raid tonight so we didn't make it, machine gun bullets sweep over us all night, every night since coming in

July 31

Warm today, a German plane shaped like one of our Newport scouts planed down close to us before starting his engine, everyone thought it was one our planes at first