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Date: November 1917

November 1

Left at 3:00 a.m. and got to position at 7:00, tired and wet, mud above knees, no places to sleep but in mud, pouring rain, dead everywhere

November 2

Raining, cook by cannister, no sleep so far, hundreds of dead boys about, SOS went up and 42 battalion got badly cut up, McBride killed at gun

November 3

Saw some awful sights, narrow escape last night, moved to new position on ridge, in trenches, MacPherson wounded

November 4

Hun areoplanes over us all day, made bivy in parapet, gas attacks nearly all afternoon, it makes one's nerves shakey and spit greeny vile

November 5

Got sleep for first time, about 5 hours, more MG Corps came in and have 3,000 rounds per gun now, bombarded at night, one wounded, not much rain so far, attack in morning

November 6

Attack started at 6:00 a.m., fighting all day, Kirk is shell shocked, another fatally wounded, ground fairly rocky, Jewell wounded, gun blown to pieces

November 7

Rained, Fritz barrage of position and shells us, saw planes shot down yesterday, Canadian mail, nearly all in for want of sleep

November 8

Relieved by other half of Coy. in morning, marched out and cleaned up a bit, cold, awful lousy, in tent, Sgt. Lewis and Robinson killed

November 9

Carrying party, up the line this morning at 5:00 a.m., narrow escapes, shells killed 3 men and 4 horses, Fritz shelled camp, back in Ypres

November 10

Rain all day, saw Harold Martin and others, Green and Raymond killed in line, Lieut. Bain had leg blown off, we are up to the line as Imperials have retreated

November 11

Rolls and Worthy wounded, Robbins and Seely shell shocked, effects of gas makes you cough, pain in stomach and chest, other Coys. relieve today, leave here tomorrow, narrow escape by shell, thank God we leave tomorrow

November 12

Called 5:00 a.m., on billeting party, came to Merville by bus and good billets in town, Tracey killed, Cpl. Kay and Archer wounded, got revolver, to town at night

November 13

Breakfast at 5:00, on billeting party again, stopped at Olding near Bethune, mutton for supper, came to Bethune in evening in trucks

November 14

On truck to Bouvigny, Huts, fair day, right near old billets, good time last night in Bethune, on guard last night

November 15

Received Canadian mail, wrote home, paraded sick and got some dope which is fixing cough, on guard last night

November 16

Had bath and supper at Gospel Service, 6 eggs, etc., in Church annex hut, paid 75 francs this morning, fair weather

November 17

Marched to Careney and O.C. took us through Grand Givens, out of sight, had lunch and marched to Howden, marched about 20 km today, Schelhern killed and 5 wounded

November 18

Four men to a team and 2 hours off and 2 on, tired, quiet front, fair day, in a dugout thirty feet below ground, on ration party

November 19

Narrow escape from shell, smokey dugout, snipers all about, poor gun position, cleaned gun and washed

November 20

Wrote letters, on water party, fair weather, letter from Jack Mochrie in 3rd reserve in England

November 21

In canteen in a cellar 60 feet below ground, heard of big victory, attacked, men left us and reinforcements came up, now 6 man team, cleaned gun

November 22

Pretty good eats, quiet front, wrote letters, fair weather, smokey dugout

November 23

Clear day and plenty planes up, wrote letters, out of candles, over to canteen tonight, in dugout, good food today

November 24

Relieved tonight by 1st Coy., saw Harold Martin, over Vimy Ridge, coming back and got lost, poured rain, in huts, tired

November 25

Canadian mail, got leather jerkin and pants, wrote letters, cleaned guns, first snow today, cold weather, hair cut and bath

November 26

Fatigue work today and was in limber after limber, German planes over us, through Souchey, heavy firing of artillery in distance

November 27

O.C. inspection today, rained, sent some presents away through YMCA, down to transport line and fixed gun, heavy firing of guns

November 28

O.C. inspection and route march, played cards in evening, no mail yet, wrote letters, expect to go up the line soon, new shoes hurt

November 29

Route march in morning, inspection of guns by Brigade Armourer, to YMCA in evening, sent Emily present, broke pen

November 30

Route march in morning, bath in afternoon, received two boxes from home and Humber Bay, wrote letters, up the line tomorrow