October 26th
Kentville, N.S.
Dear Leo,
It is some time since I received your last letter and as everything is quiet I will take this chance of answering.
I suppose you are up to your ears in work and worry just now or is this threatened strike going to blow over - the time has passed for the teachers to withdraw their resignation has it not but surely some settlement will be agreed upon - they would hardly shove all those teachers out at once.
I suppose there is lots of football going on now - are you playing on the college team? In the account of the game between S.D.C. and Mount A. I saw where an L. McDonald played with the Saints and I was wondering if it were you. I wouldn't imagine you would have much time for practicing with all you have to attend to.
How is Bill Cass getting on? Did his crop turn out pretty well and did he get it all saved? He sure had some job ahead of him then last spring, and if he is getting along at all he deserves credit. Austin I think is pretty well discouraged over all the studies. I don't think somehow he will ever adorn any of the learned professions.
Do you ever see Bob Crook now at all? If you do you might tell him to write some time. I haven't heard from him for an age.
I'm feeling pretty well these times but it is getting very monotonous, sometimes I get out of patience with the whole thing but then what is the use kicking?
Have you been out home lately and how are they getting on out there? I'm trying to have Geordie go to school regular but I suppose it is pretty hard.
Now Leo I must bring this to a close. Write soon and give me all the news as I look for the letters.
Your loving Brother,