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Date: February 17th 1916
James Fargey

Friday Feb 17th/16

My Dear Mother

Here we are just out of quarantine tonight and going across to France tomorrow night. We have everything packed now and are carrying everything on our pack on our back. We are leaving the kit bags at the base. It has been raining steady for the last couple of days and weather very unpleasant Mac Woods got home from the hospital the other day just in time to get away with us. George Money won't be able to as he is in the hospital at the present time. I wrote to Father today. I haven't very much news to tell you but will write as soon as we land in France. We might not be in the trenchs for another month as we might be at the bases in France. I am sending three pound home but this letter as it is not advisable to take very much with us. I got my pictures the other day and will send them to you so you can distribute them.

The last letter I had from Della she said she wanted them so you can give her one. Well goodby Mother. With love to all.

God bless you and keep you safe.

From your loving son,

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