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Date: May 18th 1944
Mother & Sister

May 18/44

My Dearest Mother & Sister

Well Mom I feel pretty low for not writing more often. But I have really been working for the last few weeks. When we got off leave we went right on to an advanced gunnery school and they worked us twenty four hours a day. But it was really worth it. Cause we were really taught some good stuff. My mid upper gunner and myself both made 89% in our final exams, which I think is pretty good.

Your parcels are starting to come through fine and they really are swell. I received two the other day and they really came in handy.

Say Ruth you seemed to be quite interested in my love life. Well since I came to England it has been at a very low ebb. You were also wondering about Mary & Norma. Well I have received 300 fags from Mary and a few letters and Norma has been good with her correspondence. Today I received 24 letters these are about the first I have had in around two months. So I guess they have been held up somewhere.

That raid I had over France. I don't know wether it counts or not. Some say it does and some say it doesn't so I don't know what to think. By the way Gene has now made 18 trips which is pretty good in a way and pretty lousey in a way because he has been doing these targets in France and each trip consists of only 1/3 of a op. which is silly because if you go over there and get killed you don't get only 1/3 killed.

I met Charlie Henry when I was on leave. He is still the same guy.

Can't think of much more to say so I will be forced to sign off now. So until we write again I remain with All My Love


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