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Date: November 12th 1940

#7 E.F.T.S.
Windsor, Ont.
Nov. 12/40
Dear Eric & Trace,
Here it is almost three months now since I last saw you kids so I don't want you to think that I"ve forgotten about you. I was awfully pleased to get your swell letters with all the news tied up. I sent them onto Blanche & Mary as they enjoy reading your letters very very much. It's almost 3 weeks now however since I"ve had any mail from home, probably there's a letter in the mail. You'll have to tell me all about the new house, the neighbours, your new school & teachers & playmates etc. I'll bet Louise is still the prettiest little girl in the vicinity, give her a great big kiss for me.
There is nothing much more to tell about this station beyond what I said in the two letters I wrote last week. We've been grounded for the last 6 days because of an exceptionally high wind estimated to be about 65 or 75 m.p.h. It caused a great deal of damage last nite across the river in Detroit. Apart from that I've been flying every day & expect I'll be going up solo someday this week. Last Saturday a fellow whom I knew back in Edmonton, Jack Reilly, cracked up while practicing forced landing. Both he & the instructor were pretty badly smashed up & neither will ever fly again. This is a pretty stiff course here they expect about 10 of each class to wash out before our first 50 air hours are up, so I hope I make it o.k. We fly the Finch Fleets II which are sturdy little ships that have to take a lot of knocks. They cruise at about 85 m.p.h. but I had my ship going about 160 m.p.h. in coming out of a loop the other day. You ought to see me in my big fur flying suit, helmet, goggles, gauntlets, & fur boots & look just like an Eskimo & are worth about $300. As I told you before the course has been shortened a great deal & all leaves & passes cancelled so I don't expect to be seeing you at Xmas after all. However I'm due for a two week leave sometime next February & will be glad to see you folks again! Sorry I haven't any pictures to send you but I never seem to get around to getting any takers. However I wish you'd get mom to send me pictures of Louise & you boys & herself.
By the way will you get mom also to send me a good towel & pair of pyjamas (no buttons) & boy do I ever need them . I hope you boys are studying hard & catching up with your school work. Is Aunt Zille staying with you now? How does she like it?
Love Newton
