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[?]. Shickland, 48780
#4 Trp. A. Bty.,
L.A.A. Wing A23T.C.
Elkins Barracks,
M.P.O 615
Halifax, N.S.

Dear Mum,

I have change address Mum as you will see by the above detail, some address!

We left Winnipeg about a week ago & had a lovely trip down here, they gave us good sleeping quarters & meals & it was an interesting trip as all the country is new to me & the boys are a swell bunch. They have put me in the orderly room typing[?] down here & it should be interesting work, however, I will miss the gang because we have been together since basic, however, I don't know how long I will be there, maybe I might have a chance to work up, who knows

My news will be slight from here Mum as this territory is under strict [?] of my information so you will have to be satisfied with what I can give you.

It was hard leaving Mary naturally & I feel sorry for her rather than myself, however, little Joanie should keep her pretty occupied as she is at the age of "lots of looking after". Well Mum thats all for now & I will be this off to you, also Mum I will enclose a note of thanks to the [?] as I haven't their address.

Lots of love to you all

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