July 7th 19[?]
Dear Mother
Just a few lines to let you know I am well and hope this finds you all the same. We are having some rain today for a change. Did you get the souvenirs and photo I sent you when I was on leave.
Things are pretty quiet here for a change and a little over a month ago we had a h- of a set too. I suppose everyone think we were not in it judging by what the papers say but we were there all right. I just got back from leave the night before the row started. I suppose the papers are full of news of the "Great Advance."
When is the 105th Batt [?] leaving.
I am afraid this letter is nearby its finish as news is just [?] as [?] as ever. I am sending you a couple of handkerchiefs just by way of something to do.
Write soon and let me know the latest. Some nice fudge would go all right too.