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"Songs of the Overseas Battalion"
Cover only
"Songs of the Overseas Battalion" Cover only
Letter Head from
Cranston's Waverly
Temperance Hotel
Letter Head from Cranston's Waverly Temperance Hotel
Christmas Card
December 1917
Christmas Card December 1917 Back
Christmas Card
December 1917
Inside Cover
Christmas Card December 1917 Inside Cover
Christmas Card
December 1917
Christmas Card December 1917 Inside
Christmas Card
December 1917
Christmas Card December 1917 Cover
Menu & Programme
#2 Company's
"Jovial Jolts"
April 19, 1918
Page 1
Menu & Programme #2 Company's "Jovial Jolts" April 19, 1918 Page 1
Menu & Programme
#2 Company's
"Jovial Jolts"
April 19, 1918
Page 2
Menu & Programme #2 Company's "Jovial Jolts" April 19, 1918 Page 2
Menu & Programme
#2 Company's
"Jovial Jolts"
April 19, 1918
Page 3
Menu & Programme #2 Company's "Jovial Jolts" April 19, 1918 Page 3
85th Canadian Infantry
June 5, 1919
Page 1
85th Canadian Infantry Demobilzation June 5, 1919 Page 1
85th Canadian Infantry Demobilzation June 5, 1919 Page 2
85th Canadian Infantry Demobilzation June 5, 1919 Page 3
85th Canadian Infantry
June 5, 1919
Page 3
85th Canadian Infantry Demobilzation June 5, 1919 Page 3
85th Canadian Infantry
June 5, 1919
Page 2
85th Canadian Infantry Demobilzation June 5, 1919 Page 2
85th Canadian Infantry
June 5, 1919
Page 4
85th Canadian Infantry Demobilzation June 5, 1919 Page 4
Home-Coming Programme
Of the 85th Battalion
June 9, 1919
Page 5
Home-Coming Programme Of the 85th Battalion June 9, 1919 Page 5
Home-Coming Programme
Of the 85th Battalion
June 9, 1919
Home-Coming Programme Of the 85th Battalion June 9, 1919 Cover
Home-Coming Programme
Of the 85th Battalion
June 9, 1919
Page 2
Home-Coming Programme Of the 85th Battalion June 9, 1919 Page 2
Home-Coming Programme
Of the 85th Battalion
June 9, 1919
Page 3
Home-Coming Programme Of the 85th Battalion June 9, 1919 Page 3
Home-Coming Programme
Of the 85th Battalion
June 9, 1919
Page 4
Home-Coming Programme Of the 85th Battalion June 9, 1919 Page 4