Postcard of French General Petain tasting his men's coffee.

Front of Postcard with Tommy (British) at home in German Dug-Out.

Front of post card featuring Miniature Train, Marine Lake, Rhyl.

Front of German post card: "Maul zu Kulicke-die wurscht is ungeniessbar!" (Maul to Kulicke,the sausage is inedible!)

Back of Postcard featuring Tommy (British) at home in German Dug-Out.

Back of Postcard featuring General Petain.

Back of "Daily Mail" War Picture Postcard.

"Daily Mail" War Picture Post Card of a wounded "Tommy" (British solider).

Back of post card with miniature train.
Post Card addressed to Edna Dever 50 Prince Albert Street East,Montreal Canada.
Dear Edna
Expect to leave here to morrow