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Date: February 1st 1917
Essie Douglas
Frances C. Bellairs

Appleyard Ward
Royal Infirmary
Yorks. England
1st Feby. 1917.

Dear Madam

In reply to your letter of the 9th Jany, I am pleased to inform you that Pte Nelson Campbell was a patient here from Sept. 24th last until Jany. 22nd on which date he was discharged and sent to Epsom.

His wound had quite healed before he left here and he could walk easily

I have made enquiries and am informed his present address is:-

Pte N. Campbell
7224 1st Canadians Btn
Canadian Convalescent Hospital,
Woodcoat Park,
Epsom, Surrey, England

Also mark you envelope “? F. Division”

I have written Pte Campbell informing him that you wish to hear from him.

Yours Faithfully
Frances C. Bellairs

Sister- Appleyard Ward

I am returning your stamped envelope as letters from here must bear our stamps.

Original Scans

Original Scans

Campbell, William Nelson 1917-02-01 Campbell, William Nelson 1917-02-01 Campbell, William Nelson 1917-02-01